Archived: ANOCH by CCB Blogpost

I’d like to take this chance to address the allegations that I wear the same t-shirt and sweatpants with my high school logo every day. While it is true that I typically prefer to dress for comfort, there are only a few occasions special enough for me to put on my nice suit. Most recently, I dressed up on October 15th for A Night on College Hill.

ANOCH is a campus-wide formal dance organized by our friends and fellow student government branch CCB (Class Coordinating Board). It’s supposed to be an annual event, but I haven’t been since it was last held in 2019 due to the COVID panoramic. There’s always live music, a DJ, free food, photography, and great vibes all around. But this year was extra special according to Shannon Ryu of CCB 2023:

“It’s really exciting since ¾ of the student body haven’t even had the chance to experience an ANOCH due to COVID, so it almost feels like we’re getting to provide the full Brown experience for the first time in years.”

And I’d have to agree, because amidst the early mornings at the Ratty and late nights at the Scili, ANOCH presents a unique opportunity for students to swap out the sweats for suits and come together at one big, beautiful venue. With so many diverse student groups hosting different activities on campus, it’s neat to have a school-wide function where I can see my friends from other class years!

In order to help CCB promote school spirit with events like these, we here at the Undergraduate Finance Board are working with Shannon and other student government leaders to “plan next year’s to be even more accessible.” The first significant change since I joined UFB was removing the financial barriers to Gala, a similar event in the 2022 spring semester, by making attendance completely free for students. 

Finally, not just CCB but all student groups play an essential role in facilitating student engagement, and we would love to hear any feedback about how we can support your club!


UFBuddies (Richard Shen ‘23)