Joining UFB

In order to join the Undergraduate Finance Board, you must be elected to a position. As a branch of Student Government, all elections are regulated by the the Elections Committee of the Student Government Association. For more details, visit

Spring Election

Ten positions on the board are filled through elections in the Spring. The UFB Chair, Vice-Chair, Student Activities Chair, and the 7 At-Large Representatives are elected in campus-wide votes that take place each spring. In order to run for any of these board positions for the 2023-2024 school year (starting Fall 2023), you must take part in the election in March 2023. The precise date and time of the elections process is not yet decided but for reference, the timeline from 2020 can be found here.

Broadly, here are the steps that you need to take:

  1. Attend a candidate info session in the beginning of March.

  2. Gather signatures and create a “Candidate Statement” outlining why you want to join the board to become eligible to run.

  3. Attend the candidate’s meeting in mid-March and bring your signatures and Candidate Statement to become an official candidate.

  4. Campaign online and on campus to gather votes.

  5. Get elected in the campus-wide vote at the end of March.

Current board members are required to run each year to maintain their position on UFB, and therefore have to follow all of the same steps each Spring. Reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about what we do! 

Fall Election

The remaining two positions (The UFB First-year Representatives) are filled through an election at the start of the Fall. First years are encouraged to attend an SGA meeting to learn more about the Fall election details, timelines, and requirements. The precise date and time of the elections process is not yet decided but for additional information, feel free to reach out to the UFB Chair or Vice-Chair!


UFB currently has three appointed positions: Historian, Liaison, and Ambassador. Learn more about the positions here. UFB will announce each year when the election for the one-year-term positions shall be held. For 2024-25 positions, elections will be held over Zoom on Thursday, May 2nd, from 8-10pm. Candidates wishing to run shall sign up here by Thursday, May 2nd, at 7pm. Candidates who sign up before the specified deadline above will receive a Zoom link to the meeting via email prior to the meeting at 8pm on that day.