[Policy Amendment] Section VII (2) - Off Campus Events

Hi everyone! On Tuesday, UFB has made its first Policy amendment! We are amending Policy (2) in Section VII - the off campus policy. The amendment is italicized below:

(2) Off-campus: For off-campus travel, groups may request funding for up to 10% of their total club membership to participate in the event. However, this is not a guaranteed provision, and requests exceeding this threshold will also be treated as exceptions. Groups seeking additional support for larger travel parties should be prepared to provide a strong rationale for the necessity of exceeding the 10% guideline.

  • Clubs seeking funding for off-campus events must demonstrate that the proposed event cannot feasibly be hosted on campus. Events that could reasonably be held at on-campus venues or facilities will be rejected from off-campus funding consideration on a case-by-case basis. This policy is in place to prioritize campus resources and manage the Student Activities Fund effectively, ensuring that funding is available for activities that cannot be accommodated on campus

As briefly mentioned in the Policy above, by determining exact need for off-campus events, we can ensure that the Student Activities Fund is allocated in a completely fair manner.

Have a great Halloweekend!
